Chinese New Year Sprint
Bring in the new year...
Fri. Jan. 9 - Sat. Jan. 10, 2024
Get ready for an amateur radio competition in celebration of the Chinese New Year!
Armed with a Chinese-made radio, participants strive to establish as many contacts as possible within the allotted time frame. This event highlights the accessibility and value of these Chinese radios for budding hobbyists, fostering camaraderie and connectivity across the airwaves. Each participant operates exclusively with a Chinese-made radio or radio kit, while the contacts they make may be on radios from any manufacturer.
The contest runs from 00:00 UTC on January 10, 2024, until 00:00 UTC on January 11, 2024 (7pm Fri Jan 9 - 7pm Sat Jan 10 EST), with all logged contacts occurring within a 2-hour time window chosen by the operator.
2024 Rules:
The contest last for two hours. You choose what two hour timeframe you operate in as long as it falls entirely within 00:00 UTC Feb 10, 2024 and 00:00 UTC Feb 11, 2024.
You must use a Chinese-made radio and amplifier. Either may be homebuilt from a Chinese-made kit.
Other equipment used does not need to be Chinese. (antenna, tuner, switch, etc.)
There is no power limitation
There is no band or mode limitation (besides for those imposed on you by the FCC)
Repeater contacts are VALID
Contacts made with DMR, IRLP, or Echolink via a repeater or hotspot are VALID if using a Chinese radio (no phone apps).
You must submit a log by Feb 17,2024. (Logs can be digital or a scanned document.)
Make note on logs which make/model of equipment you used
Follow all FCC guidelines for responsible amateur practices
Each QSO counts for 1 point
10 Bonus points: Submit a photo of your self enjoying Chinese food
50 Bonus points if you make a Chinese DX QSO
We encourage you to share a joyful "Happy New Year" in your exchange and explain the event.